A Teen and Parent Conversation on How to Bounce Back from Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
"Developing Resilience in Our Youth: The Gift of Faith"
Dr. Ludwig will address stress and how teens experience it, the risk of unhealthy behaviors and illness, the ways in which faith builds identity with emphasis on the effect of alone-ness without seeking the support of empathetic parents, friends, and faith community.
Conversation Circles
Dr. Jacob will lead a large group discussion on perceived expectations which cause stress for youth and helpful coping strategies and spiritual disciplines appropriate for teens. Then parents will meet with their teen to share current major stressors with parents validating, listening, and exploring coping strategies together. If parents are not present, teens will be matched up with a caring adult. Dyads will then form conversation circles (4-6 people led by a facilitator) for sharing of what was learned. Other questions for consideration in the conversation circles will be: What has been the most valuable way to cope with stress that you have learned from your parent(s), or from peers or from other adults in your faith community or school? How would you like to receive a blessing from your family? What words or actions would be a blessing for you?
Learn more and register: http://poplc.org/hope